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Git Cheatsheet

Currently mostly about basic Git usage for someone who is just starting out with using Git and GitHub for source control.

Right now this cheatsheet covers the steps to do some extremely basic things with Git on the command line, using GitHub as the remote host. It’s overly detailed because I’m trying to learn the details. It’s at beginner level because that’s me.

Use case: you’re (*ahem*) just starting to learn about using Git to collaborate on software development and you plan to familiarise yourself with that by putting your own code into GitHub and messing about with it.

Contents so far

(This post will be updated as [if?] I learn more of the various Git commands and workflows. There is also a copy of this cheatsheet on my GitHub, and I followed these steps to set that up.)

I’m using Git Bash as the terminal app on the Windows side of my computer, and I also use whichever terminal app it is that comes with Ubuntu on WSL2. My Git install was from https://git-scm.com/.

Add existing code to a new GitHub repository

1. Make a new repository on GitHub

On your GitHub homepage, click into Repositories and then click the ‘New’ button. (There’s also an option to make a new branch in the little dropdown that shows all the branches.)

  • Choose a name for your new repository and (optionally) add a description.
  • Choose a Public or Private repository.
  • Skip the step that adds a README file, a .gitignore file, and a LICENSE file.
Cropped screenshot that shows the Repositories tab and the New repository button.
Cropped screenshot of the Create a new repository page on GitHub

On the next page you’ll see a page with information about your new repository. Keep this page open so you can copy-paste from it in step 4 of this process. You’ll see something like the screenshot here.

Cropped screenshot of the repo setup info on GitHub.

2. Generate a GitHub Personal access token

You’ll use the token instead of a password. It’s a long string of text that looks like a complicated password. The token grants access to the repository, and it has an expiry date.

Log in at GitHub, go to the Settings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens page, and click the ‘Generate new token’ button.

  • Write a note about the purpose of this particular token.
  • In the section titled ‘Select scopes’, select the ‘repo’ scope.
  • Click the ‘Generate token’ button.
  • The token will be displayed on the next page. Copy the token into your password manager, or leave the page open so you can copy-paste the token in step 6 of this process.
Cropped screenshot of the personal access token Scope selection options on GitHub.

3. Set up the local folder as a Git repository

Set up the local folder to be tracked by Git.

3a. Initialise the local repository

If your code is stored in a folder named git-cheatsheet, open a terminal/prompt in that folder.

The following command initialises a Git repository with a branch named main. (You could call the branch whatever you like, but let’s stick with common practice.)

git init -b main

3b. Configure your user name and email address for the new repository

When you push commits from your local repository to the remote repository, the user name and email address you enter here will be recorded as the author of the changes. (You can add the --global flag to set the user name and email address for all repositories on your computer as well, if you’re going to be using the same info for all of your projects.)

git config user.name "HHH-GH"
git config user.email "EMAIL ADDRESS HERE"

The following command lists the current configuration settings.

git config --list

Type q to exit the list. (sometimes :q)

3c. Create your .gitignore, README.md, and LICENSE.md files, if needed

The .gitignore file tells Git which files to exclude from source control. I’ve often kept old copies of code in a folder named old. Those old copies can be excluded from source control with a line like this in the .gitignore file. (See the Git SCM docs for more on gitignore.)

# Ignore anything in the 'old' directory

README.md is usually an introduction to the project and some notes on how it all works. (Optional but recommended)

LICENSE.md is a license for use of the code. (Optional)

3d. Add all the files and do a first commit

Add all the files to start tracking them in source control.

git add .

Make a first commit.

git commit -m "First commit"

The -m flag means ‘use the text inside the quotes as the commit message’. The commit message should describe any changes made to the files being committed. Leave off the -m flag, and Git will open a text editor in which you can write a longer commit message.

4. Add the remote GitHub repository as the origin for this repository

On that GitHub web page from step 1 you’ll find the https address for the remote repository. We’re going to link our local repository to that remote repository.

Copy the address of the remote repository and add it as the remote origin for the local repository with the following command. (We’re using my Git Cheatsheet repository for this example.)

git remote add origin https://github.com/HHH-GH/git-cheatsheet.git

Type git remote -v to list the remotes for the local repository, if you’re interested. The -v flag means ‘be verbose with the info returned’.

Screenshot of the git remote -v command and the information returned

5. Copy all the branch info to the main branch

git branch -M main

The -M flag forces the move of the local repository’s config and reflog. The command above is taking the updated config info added since step 3a, and using it to overwrite any of the previous info for the main branch. (Or something like that—see the explanation of the -f and -M flags in the docs for git-branch.)

(I’m assuming this only needs to be done this one time.)

6. Push the code in the local repository to GitHub

Send the code in your local repository up to the remote repository on GitHub.

You’ll be asked for a password. Use the Personal access token from step 2.

git push -u origin main

The -u flag means ‘add upstream (tracking) references’, according to the docs for git-push. It sets the ‘upstream branch for the given branch’, so you can use git push and git pull and git fetch without the extra arguments like origin main.

(I’m assuming this also only needs to be done one time per branch.)

Screenshot of git push -u origin main command and its results

7. Take a look at the results

The files in the local repository will now also be in the remote repository on GitHub.

Make a new branch to work with

Instead of working directly on the main branch, copy the main branch to a new ‘feature’ branch and make changes to that new branch. If the changes work, merge the changes into the main branch and then delete the feature branch. If your changes to the feature branch break everything irreparably you can delete it and start fresh, instead of trying to rewind a whole lot of commits on your main branch.

1. Use GitHub to make a new branch

You can also do this on the command line. Using GitHub is easy mode.

  • Click any of the ‘New branch’ buttons in your GitHub
  • Give the branch a name that describes what it’s for e.g. make-the-readme
  • Choose the source of the new branch i.e. main
Screenshot: GitHub branches list
Screenshot: Github create a branch dialogue

2. Bring the new branch into your local repository

2a. Get updates from the remote repository

git fetch origin
Screenshot: git fetch origin command
Results of the git branch -r command before and after git fetch.

2b. Check that the new branch is available

git branch -r

The git branch command shows the local branches. Adding the -r flag shows the remote branches. At this point, if you run git branch you won’t see the new branch in your local repository.

2c. Make a local copy of the new branch

git checkout -b make-the-readme origin/make-the-readme
Screenshot: git checkout command
Now working with a local copy of make-the-readme.

Now if you run git branch you’ll see your local repository has a copy of that new branch for you to work with.

Do your work, git add the changed files, git commit them with a descriptive commit message, and then …

3. Send any updated files up to the remote repository

Push updated files to the remote repository after you’ve added and committed them.

git push

Did it work? View the new branch on GitHub to see if your changes have been synced.

Screenshot: changes pushed to GitHub

4. Bonus: use the command line to make a local branch and send it to the remote repository

(If you are not the owner of the remote repository you’ll need to be added as a contributor by the owner before you can do this.)

In this example a branch named readme-updates is created using the main branch as a base, and then pushed to the remote repository.

git checkout -b readme-updates origin/main
git push -u origin readme-updates

The -u flag is being used to add upstream tracking references.

Merge your feature branch into your main branch, and delete the feature branch afterwards

To bring changes from a feature branch into your main branch use the git merge command on the command line, or do a Pull Request on GitHub.

1. Remind yourself of the branch names

git branch
Screenshot: git branch command

2. Checkout the main branch, and make sure it is up to date

git fetch and git pull are used to get the most up to date version into your local repository.

Checkout the branch that you will merge into. (This example will merge make-the-readme into main.)

git checkout main
Screenshot: git checkout main command

3. Merge it

git merge make-the-readme
Screenshot: git merge results

That was a merge where everything went smoothly.

4. Push the updated version of main up to the remote repository

git push
Screenshot: git push

Did it work? View the updated branch on GitHub to see if your changes have been synced.

5. Delete the feature branch

The feature branch is no longer needed. Delete it from your local and remote repositories.

5a. Delete the feature branch from the local repository

git branch -d make-the-readme

5b. Delete the feature branch from the remote repository

git push origin -d make-the-readme
Screenshot: deleting branches

In the preceding command, origin is the name of the remote repository. Use the git remote -v command to confirm that if needed.

Screenshot: git remote -v command

5c. Update your lists of branches

git fetch --all --prune

5d. Check the local and remote lists of branches

git branch
git branch -r
Screenshot: git fetch with prune, git branch

The changes made on the feature branch have been merged into main, and the feature branch has been deleted.

Amending a commit

Use this if you forgot to include a file in a commit, or if you spotted a typo just after you made a commit.

git add .	// After you've fixed the typo
git commit --amend --no-edit

The --amend option adds the changes to the previous commit.
The --no-edit option prevents Git opening the previous commit message for edits.

The Experts say ‘Don’t do this if you have already pushed your changes’.

I agree, even though I am not an expert.

Don’t bother doing this if you’ve already pushed the commit to the remote repository.

If you do, you’ll probably have to fix conflicts because ‘the tip of your current branch is behind its remote counterpart’, and that means you’ll end up with an extra commit message anyway.

So if you spot a typo and you’ve already pushed the commit, you might as well do a new commit with a commit message like typo lol instead of something like Merge branch '42-wechat-posts-auto-generated-qr-code' of https://github.com/HHH-GH/bjh-ee-site-templates into 42-wechat-posts-auto-generated-qr-code, which is the kind of thing that Git is going to suggest for the commit message after you 1) pull the remote repository, 2) fix the conflicts, and 3) merge them.


The ‘Add existing code to a new GitHub repository’ part of this post was synthesised from: