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How To

A collection of notes mostly on how to make computers do various things, written down in case I need to remind myself.

Use your GPG key to sign your GitHub commits

Notes on how to create a GPG key and link it to your GitHub account for verified commits. (Win10 with Git Bash, Ubuntu with WSL)

Read more about Use your GPG key to sign your GitHub commits

Use the :target CSS pseudo-class to make a basic choose-your-own-adventure story

An explainer of the programming for the interactive short story that goes with the music on lackscoldfacts.com.

Read more about Use the :target CSS pseudo-class to make a basic choose-your-own-adventure story

Use CSS Grid layout to transform a Stack to a Flag object

It’s a website layout that adapts to different screen sizes.

Read more about Use CSS Grid layout to transform a Stack to a Flag object

FFmpeg incantations

Using FFmpeg magic to convert and process video and audio files on your computer.

Read more about FFmpeg incantations

Git Cheatsheet

Currently mostly about basic Git usage for someone who is just starting out with using Git and GitHub for source control.

Read more about Git Cheatsheet

100% headless setup for a Raspberry Pi

How to get a Raspberry Pi up and running on your network without needing to plug in a keyboard/​mouse/​monitor/​network cable.

Read more about 100% headless setup for a Raspberry Pi

Use AutoHotkey to speed up your work

Create text expansions and custom keyboard shortcuts to work more efficiently with your computer.

Read more about Use AutoHotkey to speed up your work